I see some politicians in @theSNP and some ex Snp folk are still referring to those who wanted #sexnotgender as "Transphobes" and there is talk.of "evil" people. 1/2
Lets be clear; the "sexnotgender" came about because RAPED, often. TRAUMATISED female victims said their PRIORITY was to see a FEMALE doctor..which is very understandable given what they have been through. 2/3
These women may be terrified of men...however nice the men are, however they present.
The examination is an intimate examination, the situation requires great sensitivity and consideration for the VICTIM. 3/4
I am going to be very blunt here because I am sick of everyone pussyfooting around this.
If your first thought when raped women say they need a female examiner, +other women support them, is that they are being "Transphobic" then you need to take a long hard look at yourself 4/5
You need to think about what message you are conveying, because from where I am standing you are conveying the message that, no matter how rape victims feel, a Transwoman should somehow have the right to examine them. 5/6
You are forcing a raped woman to accept yet another male bodied person against her will, when she specifically requests, needs a female examiner. 6/7
Now many Trans people have had ops and "pass" ..especially many old school TS.
However some people now Self identify as Trans. We are being told that makes them Women 7/8.
We have to ensure Trans people have the same rights as the rest of us..and in UK they do.
However those rights do NOT extend and should not extend to a male bodied person having the right to examine a rape victim against her will.8/9
To those who caused a stramash over this issue I can only say...How Selfish are YOU? How lacking in empathy are YOU? That you would make this all about Trans people when this is about getting the best treatment for rape victims!! .9/10
Let's be realistic and accept that there is a need for women at times to have single sex services. Stop making it all about you.
When you shout about Human Rights...Remember Women have Human Rights, Rape Victims have Human Rights. 10/11
Lets not demonise + harass women for wanting those rights. Instead of calling them "evil" and "Transphobes".try and understand the victims
(I'm looking at you now Graham, I count you as a friend but try + think how women feel when they are called these names. @CeeGraham1 ) 11/12
It's up to our elected politicians to show some maturity here + stop the bitterness. @MhairiHunter @KirstySNP the vote was a democratic vote based on what rape victims wanted.These victims should be the priority. Let it go now. Show some respect, move on + mind you are elected
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