There is no "upsurge" in radical feminism, we are a very small group. People talking about how they understand trans identification as a psychosocial phenomenon or believing sex is an equal or more important characteristic in how people experience the world is not transphobic. >
The #KeiraBell case is not a "terrible" judgement if you believe children/young people should be able to consent to the "treatment" they receive in a fully informed way and it is false and fearmongering to position a judgement relying on Gillick competence as undermining it. >
Their is no evidence that either the groups speaking up in Ireland or the #KeiraBell case judgement has anything to do with the US evangelical right. Nor that they are a part of an attack on LGBT rights or women's bodily autonomy. >
Referring to "second-wave white feminists in the UK" is also a bullshit move. It erases the voices of black, brown and Irish feminists. It also privileges the third wave, a predominately white, middle class and neoliberal version of 'feminism' that consistently centres males >
Anyone who sees @suzanne_moore's fantastic article as about "trans rights" rather than the experience of a working class female person has a really large piece of glass in their eye. They need to listen more carefully and drop their hobbyhorse.
Contrary to what the article suggests, it seems that Suzanne's article, @AmnestyIreland's behaviour, the Irish media and grassroots groups ( @TCDFFT @Ire_LGBAlliance) founded by Irish people have been successful in starting a much needed conversation. >
What is false is comparing Irish laws to that proposed by the UK, there are strongly protected and notable exceptions in Irish law and that there have been no problems in Ireland when there have been particular issues in regard to the criminal justice system. >
Roisín Ingle received an inordinate about of abuse, largely from people purporting to be feminist or in support of "rights". The hypocrisy is palpable. Also comparing how different forms of mental distress are responded to is totally valid.
"Everything traces back to Graham Linehan" is the most tired and stupid trope imaginable. Feminists who believe gender should be abolished (even shock! horror! in Ireland) have existed for centuries. Well done for yet again making everything male centred I guess. >
That sounds shit but linking it back to Roisín seems both disingenuous and a very purposeful demonisation of a woman that had nothing to do with that. >
The idea that this is "life threatening" is total unforgivable hyperbole. Also how does a psychological service ascertain that person is not affected by internalised or the impact of homophobia if they don't ask questions about sex? Seems perfectly reasonable. >
For some people it *is* just a phase. Denying that is not advocating for good health care. Also whilst the idea kids should have bodily autonomy is good when it comes to certain things (who to hug etc) the idea they can consent to permanent changes is rather different. >
The idea Noah's experience should be revered over @stellaomalley3's is daft. They both have important things to add to the convo. It's this authoritarianism, that only some people should be listened to, as well as the nonsensical cis/trans divide that is *exactly* the problem. >
"Name-dropped by TERF author JK Rowling". Seriously. This is in the realm of pathetic. As is the objection to hundreds of people giving money to a cause they believe promotes equality and wellbeing just because you disagree >
The obligatory mention of the "far right", "hate" and "attacks on transgender rights". It's so bloody tired. People disagree with you. They care about equality and want to see recognition that sex is an axis of oppression that should not be overwritten by subjective feelings. >
I'm not familiar with Irish so I can't comment but in the UK white, male and middle class male people who identify as trans have a large profile that dominates over less privileged people who identify as trans and other oppressed groups such as women. >
I think Colm pretty much signed his own bed when he said a large proportion of gay people and women should lose their political representation. That a supposed human rights activist could say that shows precisely how far the brain rot of being told people are "evil" can go. >
Also "many of whom have a history of living in Britain" is another absolute bullshit phrase that's an attempt to somehow demean Irish women who don't agree (and who mostly do not have a history of living in Britain). It's just utter denial. >
Given that this author is attributing "TERF" to anyone who believes sex is immutable I'm going to guess their estimation their is 100 "TERFS" in ireland is out my orders of magnitude. I suspect they're going to be hit by this reality very soon. >
Most people who "fought for abortion rights & bodily autonomy, marriage equality, the right to work in the civil service after marriage, the right to drink in pubs, the right to divorce, & the right to not be raped in marriage" know those restrictions were based on being female.>
"White feminism" again. Can you remember the last time you saw a black Irish feminist speak? Also let's remember that #KeiraBell *is* black as well as a number of others in the taking up legal action @8RosarioSanchez @BluskyeAllison. >
The regressive beliefs of these people are so depressing. They can't even imagine a world without gender defining life. Luckily loads of people are waking up to that and challenging their regressive ways, these are the dying shouts of an ideology that will be resigned history.>
"Health professionals, legal professionals, journalists, feminist activists, and allies" should think carefully about how oppression works, who is most affected & the wellbeing of all people. Rejecting authoritarianism and acknowledging the position of female people will result.
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