Kevin Steele doesn’t deserve to be HC at Auburn.

Why did Jimmy Rane have convos with Kevin Steele and Rodney Garner for 2 years behind Gus Malzahn’s back about Steele taking over the program?

Why did Steele and Garner entertain and actively take part in these conversations? 1/5
Why, after Malzahn confronted them and they apologized, did they continue to show disloyalty by continuing their convos with Rane?

Why do powerful boosters at Auburn continue to think they’re entitled to make all decisions re: Auburn football? The arrogance is disgusting. 2/5
How long will Auburn have “yes men” as athletic directors who take marching orders and have zero autonomy when it comes to the football program?

How long will Tim Jackson, Rane and the good ol’ boys loyal to the Pat Dye era get to make decisions about Auburn football? 3/5
Auburn fans are absolutely fed up with this garbage. We know Rane wants to eventually get rid of Allen Greene and promote Tim Jackson, which would be horrifying. 4/5
This has to stop, and it has to stop now. Steele doesn’t deserve the job and alums and fans have to speak out. Power boosters like Rane can’t continue to treat influencing Auburn football as their own side hobby to boost their egos. 5/5
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