If you find the failure to get a deal here frustrating as hell, you are not alone.

But we need to be honest about why this is happening. Failure to say who held this up helps them keep doing it.

So be precise. "Congress" is NOT holding this up, Senate Republicans are. Look–
Who fought tooth and nail to stop Americans from getting direct payments aka stimulus checks?

Senate Republicans did.
And when it was clear that checks were going to happen, who cut the size of your checks in half?

Senate Republicans did. 3/ https://twitter.com/businessinsider/status/1339540364148006913
Who fought to make sure that needy Americans who had lost their jobs wouldn't get the checks Senate Republicans had already cut in half?

Senate Republicans did. 4/ https://twitter.com/JStein_WaPo/status/1339322027430342656
Who fought tooth and nail to cut enhanced federal benefits for America's unemployed in half?

Senate Republicans did. 5/ https://twitter.com/clarionledger/status/1311754003747876864
Who is fighting against rental assistance and extending moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures?

Who is fighting against funding to help feed the hungry and prevent people from starving?

Senate Republicans are. 6/
Who refused to even discuss a new relief package for nearly four months through the Spring and Summer because they said over and over again that there was no urgency?

Senate Republicans. 7/ https://twitter.com/EconCharlie/status/1286718084955480067
Who relentlessly sabotaged bipartisan discussions on a new relief bill throughout the fall?

Senate Republicans did. 8/
And who is holding up the final deal right this minute over last-second demands that have nothing whatsoever to do with the virus?

Senate Republicans are. 9/ https://twitter.com/JStein_WaPo/status/1340378060382752768
Saying "both sides" are to blame or putting this down to "Congress" being dysfunctional just isn't true, and it helps Senate Republicans evade accountability and public pressure. They depend on it. And it just ensures they will keep obstructing. 10/10
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