Running an organization with a "big tent" philosophy where you acquire the best, smartest people from all sorts of disciplines and get them together w/ no guidance guarantees one thing: A circus.

At the end of the day, the org has to have a unified message. Not a salad bar.
This generally means you have to stand for something and put principles / tenets into place. It’s on the org to train its people well enough to execute along those lines. And critically part ways with those who don’t or can’t get behind the mission.
Running a business or competitive organization isn’t friendship club. It’s about output and developing a sustainable, efficient culture where people come to work, know what their job is, and know their teammates are unified. Disagreement is critical to get to that point.
But disagreement and disruption for the sake of shaking things up rather than getting to the best answer for the team is not “open-mindedness.” It’s a refusal to stand for something in fear of offending someone. Which is cowardice. Not strength. Take advice. But make decisions.
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