Thread: Some of the "progressives" who have come out to attack Jimmy Dore and #ForceTheVote. Interesting 🤨🤨
1. @NomikiKonst claimed Jimmy was taking Assad money and was too uneducated to understand politics.
2. @AnaKasparian told us we shouldn't listen to Jimmy because he has a nice house. Ana also fawned over warmonger Madeleine Albright who claims half a million dead Iraqi children was worth the price for US sanctions. TYT also took $20milllion from Katzenberg.
3. @BenjaminPDixon TYT host called Jimmy a fed and @briebriejoy an uncle Tom for supporting #ForceTheVote. Outside of smearing Assange, Ben begged us to vote for Clinton and Biden, and also came after @icecube when Ice asked black people to demand something for their vote.
4. @joshfoxfilm said Jimmy was using "violence" against AOC.
5. Emma Vigeland TYT host thinks #ForceTheVote is a waste of time but somehow the impeachment of Trump which would have definitely died in senate was extremely important. A hardcore Warren and Russiagate supporter as well.
6. @ashtonpittman thinks Jimmy Dore is a misogynist. Well, at least he's been consistent with his love for identity politics.
7. @rolandsmartin who was exposed in Wikileaks for helping feed Clinton questions during the town hall thinks Jimmy Dore was nasty and vicious to AOC. Imma let the pictures speak for themselves
8. I'll leave @davidsirota and @RealTimBlack alone. I believe theirs are just bad takes compared to a calculated takedown by fake progressives. Feel free to add on whoever I've missed. Interesting similarities how a lot of them are Warren/ Biden/ Clinton democrats. Just saying.
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