People who push the sanctity of home-ownership are pushing faith-based economics (in the sense of it being an article of faith).

As with invocations of median household income as the be-all of economic metrics, my bullshit detector goes off.

We learned nothing from the Aughts?
Also, the home mortgage interest deduction is without a doubt the most regressive tax break aside from low investment income rates.
Many folks want you to think home ownership is the pathway to generational wealth as if the crash barely a dozen or so years ago never happened.

Hitching the working poor to a mortgage narrows their economic opportunities by narrowing their mobility. Try being poor and see.
One of the arguments for home ownership being a source of wealth creation is that it forces savings.

I smell a bit of soft bigotry there.

Mobility is king.
The very same people who tell you that home ownership is the key to upward mobility are the people who push regressive taxation schemes, and now they want to fix those schemes, without ever admitting that the cure is the disease.
And on and on it goes, and nothing changes, so just tweak it some more and it will all come up roses?

Stop treating renters as people who are too stupid to understand their own self-interest.
Remember subprime lending, which was the direct result of anti-redlining? Or is it predatory lending? Or is it the working poor being set up to fail? Pick a narrative.
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