“Are either/both more transmissible? I don't think we know for sure yet, but scientists in the UK seem to believe there are indicators of increased transmission in that variant. We should be extra cautious & each do our part to break transmission chains.”

#AvoidCrowds #WearAMask https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1340359989395861506
@PHE_uk has just released their updated report on the UK #SARSCoV2 variant, “Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant: Variant of Concern 202012/01 ( https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/947048/Technical_Briefing_VOC_SH_NJL2_SH2.pdf)”

I'll do a quick summary thread:” https://twitter.com/alexandraphelan/status/1341138099267645440
@PHE_uk “The way to control this virus is the same, whatever the variant... There is currently no evidence to suggest that the Pfizer vaccine would not protect people against the new variant. Further laboratory work is currently being undertaken as a priority to understand this.” https://twitter.com/PHE_uk/status/1341000461227356160
“Finally, we have no evidence of the 501Y.V1 variant in the US at this point. However, the US has sequenced and shared to @GISAID just 37 genomes from specimens collected after Dec 1, while the UK has sequenced and shared 3774. So, we can't exclude some limited circulation.” https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1341446447045087232
“If we're worried about this and further mutations the best thing we can do is to vaccinate as widely and as quickly as possible, (while mitigating spread in the interim).”

(NPIs = Nonpharmaceutical Interventions) https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1341467654037520384
“.....so even IF the new variant would have an impact and lower the neutralizing potential a few fold, there is likely still enough antibody there to provide protection. My 2 cents.” https://twitter.com/florian_krammer/status/1341388636277882880
“One final somewhat optimistic point - there remains no evidence of more severe disease from this. Which is good. But vaccination, already important, is now more important than ever.” https://twitter.com/BillHanage/status/1341866186389282824
“The news comes after the UK and South Africa report new variants of the virus that appear to be more contagious, leading to new travel restrictions.” https://twitter.com/JNkengasong/status/1342281245582123009
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