As we are coming to the end of this year I'm happy about a few things and sad about some others, let me enumerate them in a random and disorganized way
In terms of my own personal shit, I think I got over some hangups that were still hanging around, so to speak. Some things that really used to bother/scare/upset me just don't any more. I got some perspective. That's good
I'm really happy that my kids have made it through the year physically and emotionally healthy, are tall and bright-eyed and smart and driving me nuts in all the best ways
As badly as things have gone and will probably still go in Quebec, COVID-wise, a quick glance to the south shows that it still could have been much worse. So that's something
I'm also glad that I made her choice to leave my old job, which had many good points and I'm grateful for having through all this, but wasn't really working for me anymore and was keeping me feeling really stagnant. And I'm glad to be in a place where quitting was possible
I am disappointed, though, in our leaders and politicians, for a) mismanaging the pandemic so badly and b) failing to come through for the people not just for the sick and dying, but for everyone who is suffering, losing their livelihoods, seeing their dreams disappear
One thing we could have learned from COVID was that we could change things any time we wanted to. It just took will and commitment. We did it already! We can do it again if we want to! Why aren't we?
And lastly, what is the point of all this prosperity we've created, all this wealth that supposedly exists, if we're not going to use it for people who need it? Why are there tent cities to tear down when the wealthy are sitting on piles of gold like dragons?
TL/dr, COVID zero and tax the rich until they aren't rich anymore
Anyway that's it, back to "Bonjour, ho" jokes and snarky retweets
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