Every time you purchase anything related to the Calgary Flames, Edmonton Oilers, or Calgary Stampeders, a portion of the profits goes to fund anti-labour, groups like the Alberta Enterprise Group, which continues to oppose any action on climate change.

The @NHLFlames and @calstampeders are owned by Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation. CSEC is owned by Murray Edwards.
The Oilers are owned by Daryl Katz.

Their members include companies like:

DynaLife Medical Labs
Moodys Tax
PCL Construction
Shane Homes
Wellington Advocacy

Go ahead and browse their site to view the others.

#ableg #abpoli #FollowTheMoney

👉 https://web.archive.org/web/20201219215743/https://albertaenterprisegroup.com/home/about/our-members/
I hadn't heard of Wellington Advocacy before, so I looked at their site.

Read those bios.

Looks like a bunch of Conservative Cronies got together and built a website. A bunch of them worked for Kenney, Ford, Harper, and CAPP.

#ableg #FollowTheMoney
Guess who else is pushing the anti-Ctax propaganda peice?

It’s staunch Conservative #UCP supporter, millionaire Shane Wenzel!

#abpoli #cdnpoli
Wellington Advocacy gets around.

https://twitter.com/lukaszukab/status/1352494112184930304?s=21 https://twitter.com/lukaszukab/status/1352494112184930304
You can follow @youseepeeYYC.
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