Still can’t believe I was catfished for almost 15 years. ME?! I can’t believe it.
Since you’re all DYING FOR IT, I’ll tell the story of how I was catfished for 15 years.
I met this guy on MSN or Black Chat circa 2005 (I was 12/13). We talked everyday on the phone, he would get on webcam and everything.

He said he lived in Brighton so we never met, but we maintained a relationship for like 2 years.
During that time, a few hmm things happened but I was young and dumb so didn’t question it. Especially when my man was buying me 5 day pass on a regs.

I even beefed a girl on MSN coz she had his name in hearts on her name kmt.
This girl had his face on a T shirt talking about “Romeo’s Wifey 4 Lifey”.

So Romeo and I got in to a big argument about it and I get a call from a girl claiming to be his cousin. Her and I get along, so we start talking and I add her on MSN.
I’d never met this girl, so I took her email address and searched for her MySpace page just to see what would happen.

A profile comes up and this girl is the SPITTING IMAGE of Romeo just feminine.
So I confront Romeo about it and he tells me he’s got a twin sister and his “cousin” was her.

Hmm 🙄🙄🙄
Some years went by, we remained in contact. He would randomly call me but I’d got me a new boo so it was whatever.

More years pass and every now and again he’d call me and we’d have a catch up.
So I’m like 18/19 now and he says he’s in the area and wants to buck me, calm.

He drives to mine and we meet face to face for the first time. I’m shocked by how short he is, like 5’3 max. But again, didn’t think deep about it. He gave me his chain which I wore up until 3yrs ago.
In that same week, I bumped in to him again in Brixton and he dropped me off to link a ting.

He had his babes in the car, the one who was allegedly his baby mama.
More years pass and it’s 2019. He calls me randomly for a catch up, he tells me that he’s found God and there’s something he needs to tell me.

He offered to take me to dinner but I wasn’t really on it so nothing came of it.
Now 2020 arrives and I post an old pic of me on IG asking people to guess my age.

I get a random DM from a private account saying I look the same as when I was a teen, and how they’ve known me for years???
I follow the account and then I get a phone call from Romeo???

He says “so I think you know what’s going on”

I’m confused and he tells me to go check IG....
So I look at that account who has now accepted and lo and behold, the photos on the account were Romeo...

But Romeo is a lesbian stud.
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