I’m at Day 10 following COVID diagnosis.

So far, so good (though miserable).

Here’s what I learned, and what I’m glad I did to make my sickness a little less awful & lower the odds I’d end up in the hospital.
In addition to the normal bedside symptom support — Tylenol, humidifier, cough drops — my doc prescribed prednisone and an inhaled steroid, but only to be used if oxygen levels dropped below 90% and/or I had sustained wheezing.

Good to have at the ready. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/02/health/coronavirus-steroids.html
I had a couple weird symptoms, and each day brought something unexpected.

Most peculiar: several hours of shaking without fever or chills, and light sensitivity.

Came and went, but alarming.

I’ve had friends with skin issues & visual changes too. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/expert-answers/coronavirus-unusual-symptoms/faq-20487367
I now wrestle with fatigue.

A couple of hours of light activity and I’m wiped.

Sleep, fluids, and time will help, no doubt.

But I’m also trying a d-ribose supplement to see if it helps (not backed by data; just giving it a shot). https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/ribose-uses-and-risks
Bottom line: The vast majority of us who get COVID will recover without issue.

But not all.

So prepare your bodies, consider what I’ve shared, & keep focused on what’s important:

China started all this.

The bastards must pay.

And so too must their American sympathizers.
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