Anti-vaccine activists are currently brigading the social media account of a hospital where a nurse who fainted after her COVID-19 shot works. They’re claiming she died, the hospital is covering it up, and they are demanding proof of life.
So this nurse’s name is now making the rounds on social media, as various conspiracy-minded communities try to figure out whether she is a victim or ‘in on it’, etc.

This is going to happen over and over again. Platforms & hospitals/health workers need to plan.
Any org that is likely to become a target of this should have a comment moderation policy clearly displayed on their page or account.

They can decide whether they want to invest the time in trying to counter. They can turn off commenting. There are several options.
The time to decide isn’t as it’s happening. It’s distracting and often stressful and page management tools remain woefully inadequate for addressing coordinated brigades.
Also all of this was unfortunately completely predictable
Here was an example from January, just about routine childhood shots.
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