Questionnaire 😅 Friendship Edition 🌚
1. Do you call just anybody you’re cool with your friend or you’re very particular about the word
2. How many friends do you have?
3. What’s a deal breaker in your friendships?
4. Which do you prefer? Female friends or male friends?
5. Did any friendship of yours end this year? And why 🤔
6. Has your friend moved to your man before 🤔 what was your reaction when you found out?
7. Would you start a business with a friend if the thought crosses your mind?
8. Can your friend hang with your partner in your absence?
9. Rate yourself as a friend from 0-10
10. Your friend is getting dragged on the TL .. what you doing? 🤔
11. What does friendship mean to you?
12. If there’s a rape accusation against your friend on the TL how are you gonna react?
13. You notice Your friend steals from you.. are you addressing it.. or waving it off ?
14. Your friend isn’t supporting your brand by either patronizing or advertising are you getting mad or it’s normal and you won’t stress it?
15. Your friend wants to get with your ex .. are you cool with it or nah 🤔
16. You’re high af and had plans to go out with your friend but you feel you’re too high to go out and your friend is persuading you to still go out.. good friend .. bad friend or just a wild cat and it’s nothing?
17. What was the reason your last friendship break up happened ?
18. Are your friends like family or it’s not that deep?
19. What’s the longest friendship relationship you have?
20. You want to fuck someone up who you calling ?
21. You wanna party .. who you calling?
22. Do you have a best friend?
23. Are you the quiet or loud friend?
24. What has your friendship relationship thought you this year? Has it changed your perception about anything?
25. If you won’t drag your friends that fuck up online .. why do you want other people to drag theirs? Don’t run 🌚 answer me
26. Do you make people your friends for different purposes or you can call on all your friends for anything
27. If you need a million naira now which friend are you calling? @ them o 🌚
28. Ever gotten into a physical fight with your friend?
29. Has your friend ever said something that really hurt you? Were y’all able to move past it and still remain friends?
30. How do you handle being friends with someone who is depressed? Do you get tired sometimes?
31. Would you feel some type of way if everything is going smoothly for your friend meanwhile you’re struggling?
32. Your friends boyfriend got her a Benz for her birthday and your own boyfriend posted your picture with “an Angel was born today” would jealousy set in? Or you’d carry your cross like that no Yawa? 🤔
33. If your friend says “I envy you” one day and laughs it off would you take it seriously or it’s nothing and there’s no need to overthink
34. Would you have a hard time picking your chiefs bridesmaid from amongst your friends?
35. What’s the most expensive gift your friend has gotten you?
36. Ever experienced friendship betrayal? Still hurts or you’re a hard guy 🤔
37. What’s the most expensive gift you have gotten for a friend?
38. Your sugar daddy’s wife wants to be your friend are you accepting or she should face her front ?
39. Are you the type of friend that is friends with everyone? Or you’re selective?
40. They’re spraying you dollars on your wedding day and your friend who is supposed to be helping you pick the money is putting some in her bag .. are you chasing her out or make she sef chop the money small?
Okay that’s the end 😭 I can see these questions have triggered some of you ... wish you better friendships and if you’re the bad friend fix up o 🙄
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