Just kidding...there's more to say...there's always more to say (and you know me by now, anyway) THREAD below (1/5) #AFC #EVEARS #Arteta
Listen; I understand that Arteta is assumed to have a bright future. Wenger and Guardiola have said as such. Players have spoken of how well he coaches them and helps them improve. These are indeed all plus points in his corner (2/5)
The issue is, here, what comes back to leadership at the club. The way you go through a rebuild is not structure it around the manager, but rather, around a principle or principles that you want to have as cornerstones of a project moving forward (3/5)
The mistake we may have run into both knowingly and unknowingly is making Arteta the focal point of our rebuild, rather than an accent point on a principled and structured rebuild. To focus on one man and persist in this manner is a dangerous game (4/5)
I'll state again that I am not calling for his head & that I think he will come good. But as mentioned previously, there HAS TO BE a line drawn where we say it's too much now...there's too much at stake to continue w/the gamble when we're almost forced to call all-in (5/5) #AFC
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