#DemCast #DemCastOR @Dknight10k

Twitterland is interesting. It's like a library or an airport, in that you see so many kinds of people here. I've stopped following just to follow here, and now only follow the ones who seem particularly interesting. /1
One of those people is @Dknight10k. He showed up earlier in the year, all of a sudden, exhorting people to vote for Joe Biden. He was funny and good natured, so I followed him. /2
But it didn't take long to see that this guy was not only quick witted, clever, and funny as *uck, but that he had substance. The content of his tweets changed over time, and more and more started addressing subjects that many white folks would find uncomfortable /3
In a word, racism. I took particular interest, as I see racism at the root of division in the U. S. Racism is the wedge that can drive through the heart of this nation and be its death. The Civil War never really ended. It's only been suspended for 155 years. /4
I asked him on a thread what the solution was for us white folks; what to do on a personal level. His answer was unexpected. He said "Love black people more than white people." /5
It took me aback. It looked somehow like the truth, but I didn't know if that meant loving white people or anyone else less, or actively disliking my own race or my own whiteness. /6
But I did this thing. I started doing it. I began to intentionally, actively love the black folks in my life and those who I came across day to day. The result has surprised me. /7
As long as I can remember, I have felt awkward around black people, acutely aware of my whiteness, believing that that alone would disqualify me from being perceived in a positive light by black people. /8
But I have found that this shift in mindset, unspoken and unknown to anyone but me, has had the effect of erasing that barrier, and has made it much easier to connect with black people. That perceived barrier was coming from me, only me. /9
I don't dm much, but I did so with @Dknight10k, and he suggested I tweet the message instead of just telling him personally.

Twitter really is interesting. The people here are real, not just virtual. Hatred and love are both fully on display here. Love feels so much better. /End
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