My family and my production company have been extremely cautious about Covid since March; on full lockdown, regular testing, always masked, not socializing. It's been a strain without a meaningful stimulus from the state and fed, and work has suffered. But we've been healthy. 1/
I recently shot a job as talent, meaning unlike when I'm directing, I often can't wear a mask. After the shoot, a crew member I was in contact with tested positive. They were ethical and told everyone; they didn't have to. I tested and sweat bullets waiting for the results. 2/
And thought a lot about these untenable conditions, and why the numbers are out of control here in LA. My test result came back negative thankfully, but others won't be so lucky and I may not be either next time. Everyone needs to be safe and everyone needs to work: a dilemma. 3/
And there continues to be no meaningful stimulus, unlike every other first world country. And this won't hold long enough for people to be vaccinated. @MayorOfLA needs to shut the city down. Period. To do that requires a stimulus plan that pays people adequately to stay home. 4/
LA won't be the last city to be a hotspot. Covid will continue, and the needless death will continue as the vaccine slowly rolls out. History won't look kindly on the leaders who let their citizens die rather than protect them, who wouldn't shut the ’factories’ down. /end
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