1/ I’m in a COVID test site right now run by my rural hospital. The terms and conditions for testing here - which maintain my privacy - are TOTALLY different than at Rite Aid. Where all your data goes to 3rd party corporations. Former, $160. Latter, free. We are being harvested.
2/ the COVID incidence is so low in Columbia County that real hospitals like this one, refuse to accept walkins. The receptionist is turning calls away continually. But Rite Aid accepts all comers, and harvests the data to sell to third parties. Rite Aid’s control to make sure...
3/ My tests would not be counted multiple times as multiple people when I am 1 person: ‘Have you had a COVID test before’? Zero coding of names to cull multiplications. So if I tested positive twenty times with 20 tests these would be counted as eighteen different ‘cases.’
4/The receptionists here are lovely; but it’s a pretty chill scene. The waiting room is 3/4 empty, parking lot 4/5 empty. People are presenting with a lot of non Covid related complaints. Meanwhile those here for COVID tests aren’t physically separated from others unless they ask
5/ Well, I waited for hours and asked for a COVID test -- and was sensibly (after $160) refused by nurse as she said I have no symptoms that indicate COVID per state dept of health. But CVS, Rite Aid or a million for profit sites would let me waltz right in and get one...for free
6/and then sell my data and millions of others' for a fortune, which state hospitals, doctors don't and can't do per HIPAA, plus the for profit test sites drive up positives as no accounting for multiples.
7/ The contrast between real medical sites which are covered by HIPAA (US medical privacy law) that CAN'T sell your data and that won't test me BECAUSE THERE IS NO MEDICAL REASON TO...
8/ and for profit test sites such as Walgreen's, Rite Aid (probably Boot sin UK etc) that will test me if I am BREATHING, for COVID - but which have terms and conditions that force you to sign away your medical privacy rights...explains WHY we are in a crisis beyond the crisis.
9/ People are looking in the wrong direction for the motivations behind"lockdown" policies. It's vastly driven by a profit motive. You had an organic and bad pandemic with sensible warnings issued. By about April or Mar, the for profit test sites were on it, Big Tech had the...
10/ contracts as we confirmed, and so now getting YOU TO TEST ALL THE TIME GENERATES VAST PROFITS as each time you produce more medical data to sell, which is so SO valuable. PLUS the $$$ generated by you being online. It's. a closed circle, a cash circle! Scare you to death..
11/ far beyond what the bad enough data show, make daily life miserable so you will do anything for that negative test, you test and test, thus driving up positive data, producing more med data, which leads to more lockdowns so people test more and stay online, thus minting $$$$
12/ for the for profit "consortia" who have replaced (are fronts for) Google in handling Rite Aid and CVS medical data anyway ("Verily" and "Bandwidth"). All this data is sold and sold, for millions esp to Chinese labs. Notice how histrionic and divorced from the science language
13/ about COVID became after April? Til April 2020 it was sensible: wash hands, wear a mask when you COULDN'T distance, isolate if you were in contact with someone INFECTED. Now the whole world is posited as a huge petri dish and you are to mask in your bedroom in your sleep. Why
14/ the change? The profit realized by TESTING AND SELLING MED DATA and keeping you indoors online, was realized. Policy FOLLOWeD the profit for Big Tech and Big Data. And when it comes to why restaurants and bars in US are being closed, look at services such as UberEats. They
15/ Want the profit transferred from killing restaurants and bars. Otherwise why risk the cooking staff but keep only "takeout"? So UberEats, Doordash type companies get all the $$$ (Also Big Tech) and so you eat at home sadly in front of Netflix or Nintendo (more $$ for Big Tech
16/ instead of in human contact eating in a physical space that does not require Uber or Nintendo to make you happy. Look backward to see what is driving this. The profits for Big Data and Big Tech are DRIVING the fearmongering and distortion of risk. Now let's see if Twitter
17/ will let this thread out very far, as it already has far less traffic than most of my threads. If not, see http://DrNaomiWolf.com . Today: eye-opening visit to a real health clinic that, obeying Hippocratic Oath, refused to give me COVID test because There. Was. No. Reason.
You can follow @naomirwolf.
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