If you’re going to go to college for hypergamy though - there are just certain things you MUST do on campus! Going to class and studying is not enough and won’t cut it.
College is ALL about networking, especially if your degree is mainly in soft skills (communications, social sciences). The GPA matters very little unless you're looking to go to grad school (specifically med school, business school is actually pretty lenient).

Join as many -
organizations as you possibly can. Make an effort to be well known on campus. Take on leadership positions any opportunity that you can. Your reputation can be good or bad - but it must be known.

Get friendly with the professors, go to their office hours and try to become friend
For friends, you want 3 close friends max that you trust and share the same values as you.

Everyone else... We change a lot in those 4 years and they can make and break you. Most 18-21 year olds are hyper-sexual and addicted to something, you don't want them close to you.
For dating/hypergamy, join the student association/student council. The future politicians and big shot lawyers are always going to be in there. You want to know them especially. Even if you don't date them, years later they can invite you into high society events.
In a nutshell:
You can follow @venusin12th.
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