It was first detected in Kent on 20 September.

"As of 15th December, there are 1623 genomes in the B.1.1.7 lineage. Of these 519 were sampled in Greater London, 555 in Kent, 545 in other regions of the UK including both Scotland and Wales, and 4 in other countries."

"The accrual of 14 lineage-specific amino acid replacements prior to its detection is, to date, unprecedented in the global virus genomic data for the COVID-19 pandemic...may have resulted, at least in part, from virus evolution with a chronically-infected individual."

Rapid increase in frequency suggests that this strain is more contagious.

Not clear if it is more or less virulent.

It's true that we would never have known about such genomic changes in previous pandemics, and that might mean we are over-reacting.

But it's also possible that lockdowns have prevented the natural evolution of this virus towards lower virulence, a worrying thought.

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