1. I think we have a window here into the systemic problems with @CalgaryPolice.

They're obsessed with being woke, with racial & gender quotas, with politics. So they hire people who are emotionally unsuited to policing, like the two abusers who attacked that hockey player. https://twitter.com/CalgaryPolice/status/1340096077920305152
2. @CalgaryPolice are now explicitly hiring for qualities other than competence. They're hiring based on politics. And so the two quote hires who attacked the hockey teen know nothing about how to actually handle a real-life policing situation. They panicked and it showed.
3. A real policeman would use his discretion; would, at most, have "lectured" the teen. @nenshi's abusive cops swore at him; wouldn't answer what he did wrong; were violent; and drew their weapons improperly. Such a discredit to real police everywhere.
4. Here @CalgaryPolice, in the pandemic, no masks, taking a knee at a Black Lives Matter protest. Maybe it was that same cop who swore at & threatened to taser the hockey players. This is political policing, @nenshi-style. If you have the right politics, you won't be arrested.
5. There's something deeply wrong with @CalgaryPolice. But cities are constitutionally creatures of the province. So @KayceeMaduYEG has the power to simply take them over and purge all these bizarre, woke, political cops & replace them with real cops. Drum out the rotten apples.
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