Pay attention to this please. It’s important.

QAnon is a Putin-backed operation operated by AMERICAN TRAITORS.

I am sick and tired of controlled opposition on this point.
#RIPQ #StupidCoup
Here’s the president* pushing QAnon propaganda, defending Putin and attacking China, Putin’s mortal enemy. THIS MORNING.
Trump has been compromised by the Russians since the 1980s. There is no better reported subject ON PLANET EARTH. If you don’t believe that, please stop right here and do a google search “Trump Russia” and READ STUFF.
OK, you’re probably sick of this chart but idgaf. Here an updated version with people on the chart that are overtly doing things that benefit Russia.

Here are a few examples:
- Mike Flynn confessed to colluding with Russians. He gets paid by Putin and Erdogan.
- Roger Stone was the connection to Wikileaks and has run ops for Russia for 50 fucking years.
- Jason Sullivan connected Roger to Guccifer 2.0 and got hauled in to Mueller to explain himself. He pushes Russian propaganda through E, Oz, and his own stupid Twitter feed.
- Jim and Ron Watkins move their websites to Russia every time they get in trouble. Jim got hauled into Congress to explain his connections to “foreign intelligence.”
- Lisa Clapier has been running ops for the Russians for a decade. She INFILTRATED AND WEAPONIZED: Occupy, Anonymous, Unify, Thrive, NODAPL, Standing Rock, Cicada3301, QAnon.
- Sean Stone is Oliver Stone’s son. He is even more pro-Russia than his fully compromised father. He is a vicious Russian propagandist.
- Robert David Steele was fully compromised in 2015 and has been pushing the sickest, most depraved Russian propaganda ever since.
- Steve Pieczenik has been pushing Russia cancer for at least 12 years.
- Bill Binney has been on the wrong team for a decade and regularly goes on Russia Today to tell you all about it.
- Trevor Fitzgibbon ran PR for Assange and re-infiltrated Wikileaks again recently to tie it back in to the operation.
- Steve Bannon has been living off of Russian money for decades. Currently in bed with anti-China Falun Gong billionaire Guo Wengui.
I could go on forever....

Look, anyone downplaying the Russian influence on this operation or defending the people involved, is either ignorant or pushing their own agenda.
In some cases, the agenda is just that they want to keep making money from “reporting” or “researching” QAnon. In other cases, the pushback is so strong and so irrational it becomes frankly suspect.
We can discuss HOW the Russian influence works, WHO is getting the money to distribute, WHY they are engaged in FULL-FLEDGED PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.

But if you roll your eyes and think “Russia Russia Russia” every time the subject comes up... YOU have been psyop’ed.
Putin is in a HOT WAR with us, we just haven’t acknowledged it yet. They have captured the Executive Branch, half of Congress and have been ALLOWED TO RUN FREE in our government systems.
They may not have succeeded in their stretch goal to actually take over the country, but they came REALLY FUCKING CLOSE. And the damage that has been done, the ground that has been lost, is tragic.
OK, rant concluded for now. Please use this tweet to explain to me why this operation is really just a very successful larp by a random America troll and has nothing to do with the Russians. 😑
You can follow @jimstewartson.
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