1/17 You called me out, @BrianLenzkes so here it goes. I really did believe you would have a hard time with my mother-in-law. Extremely stubborn and close minded when it came to nutrition. Health was deteriorating faster than ever. My wife and I were very concerned and had to
2/17 help her. Although she had seen the incredible health Improvements that a low carb way of eating had on myself and her own daughter, she still avoided red meat like the plague and refused any changes to her diet. We told her that vegetables oils aren’t good for her but she
3/17 still stuck with canola and margarine. She wouldn’t dare touch real butter. The “cholesterol fear force” was strong in this one. In a weird twist of logic, she would even recommend our way of eating to her other kids since she saw how much it improved our health, yet she
4/17 wouldn’t even make the slightest changes to help herself for fear of raising her cholesterol. “Cholesterol cholesterol cholesterol” .... feel like punching myself in the face every time fam and friends worry about what’s happening to my cholesterol by eating low carb 🤦🏻‍♂️👊🏻
5/17 “You’ve rid yourself of crippling depression, anxiety, heart burn, sleep apnea, excessive body fat, nafld, stomach pain, and you’ve learned how to satiate your appetite to have a better relationship with food and you have more energy and are happier than you’ve ever been....
6/17 but... but.... but.... CHOLESTEROL!” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤪😡🤬Anyway, sorry for that tangent. Kind of channeled my inner “Tro” right there. @DoctorTro

So considering how closed she was to any intervention, and the fact that she only speaks spanish, I thought “Brian, good luck.
7/17 She’s in your hands now. Peace out ✌🏻🤞🏻

Little did I know @BrianLenzkes can actually speak Spanish. My mother-in-law has no complaints about your spanish, Brian. She says you communicate very well. Sorry to feed your ego. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Fast forward 4 months and having just
8/17 completed her final appointment of the health improvement program with @BrianLenzkes on Thursday (every appointment was done by zoom since we live 4 hours away. Only the first appointment did we actually go in person) I can say her life has made a 180. She drastically
9/17 improved many health issues, but the most significant ones were her terrible gastritis (which she said made sleep nearly impossible), her constant headaches (she was amazed that her headaches stopped so quickly after suffering her whole life), anxiety had improved a lot, and
10/17 of course dropping pounds so fast without even exercising. She still has a ways to go (and actually still fears red meat but to a much lower degree 😂) , but now she’s all in. She has even obsessed over lowCarb/keto recipes. She has decided this is a way of life she can
11/17 sustain, not just a temporary fad diet. She’s even influenced other family members and neighbors. Many have improved their heath because of her.

I feel at ease knowing I did my best to help, and now it’s on her to keep it up, but we’ll always be there to support.
12/17 Special shoutouts:

I had been following @BrianLenzkes for a while but didn’t realize he had opened his own practice until @BrianWileyCHC pointed me in his direction. Initially I was leaning towards @DoctorTro but flying across the country wasn’t an expense I need in life
13/17 And although I know everything can be done virtually, I had to at least take her in person for the first appointment to make her trust that she’s actually dealing with a real doctor and not some quack 🦆 haha 😆.

From the very first phone call I could tell
14/17 this was different than any other experience I’ve had with the health/medical industry. The receptionist, Mary, is incredible. Took her time talking to me on the phone and was very understanding. She even recommended @ChristianAssad new podcast in spanish which we
15/17 listened to in the car ride back home after the first appointment. Unfortunately my mother-in-law couldn’t consume most of the educational content that was sent her way because it was all in english, but regardless Brian and his staff made it work. It’s crazy how much
16/17 one change can affect so many people’s lives.

Thanks for everything, @BrianLenzkes .

Come January I have two more patients I’m sending your way: my mom and dad. They speak perfect english, but once again I have to say I think it’s going to be a challenge. I’m looking
17/17 forward to it, though. I have to do my part and at least try. I can’t just let my loved ones wither away. They definitely won’t listen to me, so maybe they’ll listen to a doctor who loves to talk a lot 😂
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