If given the choice, few would favor an increased in quantity of years at the expense of quality.

Holistic well-being is more important than mere survival.

It’s why we strive and innovate and improve.

We want better lives. More fulfilling lives. Lives w/ more opportunity...
Restricted lives— lives where social interaction is forbidden, joy is muted, opportunity is absent—with no future to look forward to are oppressing and depressing.

Even fatalistic.

We cannot thrive under these constraints, regardless of the justification for the constraints...
Not everyone is sharing this burden.

The comfortable remain comfortable. The wealthiest grow wealthier. The powerful are consolidating their power.

It’s those with the least who are being forced to sacrifice the most & they haven’t been given a voice to raise in protest...
Masks obscure our humanity.

Social distancing prohibits human connection.

Closed businesses restrict our ability to provide.

Lack of context & transparency steals our ability to evaluate their necessity.

And lack of an exit strategy extinguishes hope...
And none of this is acknowledged when these mitigations are implemented.

If these NPIs were prescriptions drugs, they would be denied approval given the frequency and severity and their known side effects...
The prevailing message Re: C19 is incoherent, disjointed, confusing & removed from historical precedent.

The prescription is credible, unbiased, accurate, & coherent information about what is really happening, as well as context to orient ppl & help them make meaning of it all..
We must learn as we go to prevent future atrocities.

And that’s where my focus will be for the next few months, at least.

-Empowering people with credible information & context to combat the rhetoric of fear & shame

-Giving voice to the voiceless.

-Restoring hope.

You can follow @AJKayWriter.
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