most ppl are aware SWers spend a lot of $ on personal upkeep, wardrobe, camera/laptop, lighting & tripods etc, toys and so on, but here is a list of "unseen" costs (specific to maintaining & expanding an online SW business) u can help yr fav worker w/ this holiday season (1/4)
They add up fast! Here are "adopt a bill" ideas for *digital* services/subscriptions (essential or simply helpful):

- pro versions of photo/vid editing apps
- domain name/site hosting
- listings/ads
- VPN subscription
- DMCA takedown/contenr protection services ($$$!!)

- analytics/SEO services
- beefy mobile/roaming data plans or MiFi for touring professionals/creators on the go
- wifi (upgrade their plan so they can stream higher res!)
- spotify (for streamers especially)
- link shortener/aggregator, pro versions

- graphic/web design! better presentation = more $! we often hire other SWs skilled at these things! outsourcing saves us time!
- licensing plans for stock footage/audio/graphics

Colleagues: comment w other digital expenses I've missed or that you would love being gifted :)

While yes, some of us want treats, extras & finery, I for one would ALWAYS choose to have something covered that *helps me make more money in the long run* over a luxury. If your fav creator/provider RTs this thread, ask what you can sponsor for them that will do the same.
ANOTHER GREAT IDEA is to offer to pay for online courses for sw related skills (photography, graphic design, video editing) if applicable!!! Anything that saves us time/increases our proficiency at these things makes us more money
You can follow @itshoneyli.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword β€œunroll” to get a link to it.

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