I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.

I’ve been reading up a bit on EO 13848.

I like using the Federal Register because there are hyperlinks you can click on that brings you to the other laws that are stated within the EO.

We are all aware that 45 days was yesterday.
Looks like the ODNI stated they needed an extension.

I saw a lot of people freak and jump to conclusions over this. Why?

Have you ever needed to extend a deadline at your job? I know I have. https://twitter.com/ODNIgov/status/1339356234777047051?s=20
Obama, God Bless his heart created EO’s that actually help this cause.
Section 3 b

This is where the Secretary of State & the Secretary of Treasury come in.
@stevenmnuchin1 & @SecPompeo let us know yesterday they were already working on the “Framework” of an EO. I'm assuming it's 13848 and I believe they were giving deliberate confirmation to those of us who are watching and letting us know GAME ON!
Knowledge is power. Patience is power. God is incredibly powerful!

Set an alarm on your phone to pray knowing God is hearing your prayer.

I pray for the salvation of our country every chance I get. This is a spiritual battle.
We still need to ride out politicians like sea biscuit. It's okay to be angry about what's going on, it's okay to ask questions, it's okay to tell them you demand Justice but please have some kooth and treat them with dignity and respect when doing so.
I have expressed to my Senators and Congressman that there is talk of unification, militiamen, and taking up arms if this can not get resolved. I don't make threats EVER!!!! I ask for their suggestions and recommendations. I quote other Presidents and respected people
to back up my stance and/or claims.

I talk about my feelings and things I've seen. If you go in saying he said she said your point is mute. If you swear every other word at them your point is mute. If you threaten their lives you should be held accountable.
This is very serious. This truly is the 2nd Revolution! Be smarter than your enemy. Don't let the loony left get you down, don't even entertain them, don't let them bait you. They are all gloating right now.

We will have the last laugh. And then we will be encouraged to
treat our brothers with kindness and compassion. We can fight hard dirty and nasty without degrading our fellow man.

God Bless each and every one of you!

If your gonna pray, don't worry.
If your gonna worry, dont' pray.
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