*Thread* Harmonic Adaptation

Secret to actually do what you say & say what you mean
Adherence & consistency is the objective when starting not efficiency & optimization

Eat 20% cleaner

Subtle tweaks won't feel much or any willpower being used

It then becomes habit

Then eat 20% cleaner

4-6 months later it will be a 80-100% difference
Day & Night difference overnight goes against nature

It can be a good exercise for developing willpower & discipline

But choose your battles

I believe only 1 area at a time can take that slot of requiring willpower

What has worked for me is...
Doing everything exactly as you were doing it

With improved a system & one variable changed at a time

For example - I was already going to the gym, average shape when I started my first program

I was doing everything exactly the same, only difference was I added a system to it
I was still eating foods I wanted to

But would skip breakfast & have a cap on when stop eating those foods

Everything was the same, only slightly different

Which made it very easy to stick to & not need willpower
When I was doing YouTube 2 years ago

I was already making that type of content on forums

Only slight difference I added was reading the scripts in front of a camera
When we do something 100% unfamiliar there is a high chance of failure

Because we are 0% adapted to it

Gradually introducing 20-30% unfamiliarity means 70-80% of what you're doing you're already adapted to

Willpower is not abundant enough to be relied on to carry you through
Willpower can definitely be increased like a muscle

However in my personal experience I recommend not doing it with things like business, creative projects, nutrition

In physical challenges it becomes more of a game & I personally prefer to develop willpower in this area
"How you do anything is how you do anything"

It will transfer over to other areas

When trying to use willpower to get business/creative projects done it almost always failed
Final note on how ingrained this is in human nature

74 out of the top 100 movies last year were sequels or re-makes

Apple introduces a 20-30% difference each launch

Even when Instagram makes these 20-30% changes people lose their minds and dislike it
We are habitual beings

Introduce a 100% change it won't sell, people will think it's crazy

It will take years to educate the market to then understand it

Introduce gradual 20-30% changes is a universal formula for harmonic adaptations
Go from heat to freezing very quickly there are many sicknesses which can develop from this

Almost everything in life has a 'warm-up'

- Athletes warm-up

- People pre-game before going out
- Brainstorming before writing

- Script table reads before filming the movie
When starting aim for consistency & adherence

This is a note to myself I wanted to share

after reverse engineering wins/failures

& the key difference I noticed in why some felt effortless & some had tons of resistance

But there was one more factor...
Needing the outcome

The more the outcome was desired the more of a 'price to pay' was artificially inflated

When the start was curiosity the outcome was a bonus expected to obviously come

When the start was needing the outcome...
The perception was so magnified that gradual changes did not seem equivalent to the 'worth' I had projected onto the desire

Which lead to 2 things:
- Delaying action & over-thinking
- Implementing extreme non gradual changes

Which always results in failure, but even worse....
These 'failures' jade the mind which further reinforces something as 'hard'

It was not actually hard
The strategy implemented made it hard

Which then makes it even harder to actually try again
- Start with adherence & consistency
- Gradual 20-30% changes

Optimization & efficiency requires data, data comes from doing

Get a process & trust in the process

Thank you for reading
- Yous
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