What the nature of our reality? Here is my understanding: Time doesn't exists. Time is an aftereffect of our consciousness shifting its focus from one frame of reality to another. Each frame of reality exists as information encoded in an interference pattern (IP).
That interference pattern exists in what science refers to as "Quantum Field." All possibilities already exist in that IP and that includes possible past, possible present, and possible future. All exist at once in the same now moment.
Each frame of reality represents smallest change within a quantum system (Planck Time). The most efficient way of storing information is not in 3D but in 2D. 3D information can be stored in 2D as interference pattern.
When light passes through interference pattern it creates a 3D hologram. In our case that hologram is made out of energy and as we know matter is in a sense crystallized energy. There is no solidity. Matter is mostly empty space with pockets of vibrating energy.
It is the interaction of repelling forces that make matter appear solid. Atomic nuclei is surrounded by electrons and electrons repel each other. Without those repelling forces matter would not be solid at all.
Our consciousness is light. That light interacts with the interference pattern creating the hologram. Our consciousness chooses which frames of reality to interact with based on its vibration.
Our overall vibration consists of our soul plan, karma, and our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc. Based on those we choose what to experience. We create our own reality.
Our consciousness shifts its focus from one static frame of reality to another and it happens trillions of times per second providing us with seamless experience. It's like animating a character in a flip book.
We are in a simulation that appears real and which provides us with real experience.
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