The Real Estate Men have concerns.
I'm guessing this is all after Saville's "Necessity of Zoning" was published in the local paper
You're not stupid, you're just ignorant.
Don't worry Real Estate Men, Saville will list each of your objections and tell you why you're wrong. First up, will zoning be "extremely detrimental" to everyone (I assume we are talking about white people)?
First, many other cities have done this.
Second, people will happily accept injuries to their "health, safety or morals" but they would never allow the "depreciation of their property". We are Americans sir! 
Third, if zoning was so bad one of the 183 communities would have rescinded it in its "only eight years" history, but no one has.
Fourth, if the zoning ordinance is bad we'll just change it to address "local injustices"
Fifth, it's not as bad as the others. Those people are monsters.
All right, proved. Next argument to dispose with: banning many uses for city land and restricting others will "retard the normal growth"
Saville doesn't waste much time with this. Neither LA nor NYC is losing population (not what was argued).
Next Real Estate Men argument, this ordinance will make some property less valuable and "possibly" increase the value of other property. This is "absolutely unfair"
This one stings. Saville has three paragraphs to defend his honor.
Sure, there is "discrimination" in the new Richmond zoning code BUT there is an appeals process offering "mitigation" and "avoidance"
We finally get a real argument from Saville! The "most positive argument" for this new zoning code is to "stabilize values" and notes the detached residential single family use endangered by "invasion of foreign uses".
To argue that other land uses won't see a loss of land value, Saville leans on quoting an unnamed zoning expert from NYC, who likewise cites an unnamed real estate broker. Powerful stuff.
We are selling stasis. Interesting comparison of Jackson Ward and Monument Avenue as the two real estate value extremes at this time.
Then Saville makes some more assertions without evidence. "increase the loan value on property"
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