Here’s my radical and unpopular military take for the weekend: abolish the Chaplain Corps and in their place, put a mental health counselor at each BDE level org and higher.
Chaplains are NOT equipped to handle some of the situations for which they have become tasked with in our Army. If not abolish, we should re-structure their entire purpose. I won’t even get into the fact that later millennials/gen z are some of the least religious ppl in decades
Continuing to have our Chaplains serve as counselors does a huge disservice to our Soldiers and is tone deaf to the trending direction of the Army.
Here’s a very stereotypical example that I know exists in the Army today: Soldier A gets bullied by Soldier B for being gay. Soldier A talks to CoC but also Chaplain. Chaplain is Evangelical Christian who believes being gay is a sin. This impacts his counseling of Soldier A.
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