...it's probably because I know enough people in the right places who were willing to pull the right strings to get the right people to pay attention. And that is a horrifying thought. You shouldn't have to be connected in both tech AND government to recover your Twitter account.
Based on my experience (account probably hacked via connection to a derelict and poorly-secured Foursquare account) @tbridge777 did a good thread on securing your Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/tbridge777/status/1340041583958224897
I've had this account (and this handle!) for 13 years; there were years of my online trail connected to it. I should definitely have been more proactive about cleaning those up. Learn from my near-calamity!
You can follow @tiffany.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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