Let me be frank. The folks leaving or threatening to leave SBC over the seminary presidents statement often display the worst and most blatant hypocrisy. They shame people who voted for Trump as being complicit in racism, yet most of the same folks voted for Biden, thus they are
2/ complicit in abortion and the LGBT revolution. They are quick to retweet and condemn any white evangelical that says something negative about CRT, but they affirm, like, and favorably retweet anybody that makes broad and general statements that are absolutely insulting of
3/ white people. They then justify this by saying those who are offended simply have white fragility, and yet if the statements were reversed, it would be bigotry. These folks speak of the seminary presidents as those who hold slave master theology, which of course is a lie and
4/ uncharitable. But then you look at many of their threads and see who supports them, and quite often it’s LGBT allies, egalitarians, socialists, and liberation theologians. The very threat to leave the denomination only proves the criticism of CRT is valid. White Christians are
5/ simply supposed to shut up and listen, regardless of how biblical or unbiblical the content is, and if they refuse to listen to unbiblical content coming from the mouths of those with more melanin, then it means they’re simply intoxicated with their white privilege & power and
6/ refuse to give it up. With this kind of thinking, there is no true dialogue that’s possible and there is no true reconciliation that’s possible. This is why I said the SBC will actually be better off if some of these folks leave. And by that, I don’t mean POC ‘s. I mean
7/ theological liberals who walk arm in arm with LGBT allies, and hypocritically shame those who voted differently than they did, and reject complementarianism. Furthermore, there’s a bunch of people who aren’t even SBC, but are clearly lock in step with the moral revolution, and
8/ they simply sow division from the sideline, talking all kinds of trash. And if you notice, these self-appointed SBC critics and progressive Christians side with those who are threatening to leave over the mere criticism of CRT. So when this whole controversy is over, I’m not
9/ worried. We are still going to reach the nations with the gospel, our Lord is still going to return, and he will separate the goats from the sheep. And those who have made a shibboleth of agreeing with them about how to handle the problem of racism will have a lot more to
10/ answer for than what they think. Their insulting and uncharitable rhetoric of their brothers in Christ, and their assumption that their white brothers aren’t even saved simply because they disagree with them about CRT, will be called to account. And undoubtedly, all the white
11/ evangelicals who likewise have been uncharitable, wrongly accused people of CRT, and have been nothing more than a cornucopia of intellectual urine and wind will also have to answer for the disunity they have sown. What’s my ultimate point? A large number of churches
12/ threatening to leave who themselves have proven to be very hypocritical and are allies with the moral revolutionaries is not a real loss for biblical Christianity. If these were primarily churches that were not linked arm in arm with hypocritical reverse-bigots and LGBT
13/ allies, I would likely be listening a lot closer. But alas, that is not the case. So this in my opinion is a Satanic distraction. Biblical Christians just need to press on.
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