Hinduism is fundamentally incompatible with Atheism. Whoever tells you otherwise has neither fully understood Hinduism, nor Atheism.

This is Kaliyuga: the age of ignorance of ignorance.
It's a superficial understanding of both.

Bcz Hinduism allows worship of Divinity w/o form, people equate that to Atheism - which is stupidity - bcz in Hinduism THE Truth is Tat Tvam Asi: You are Divine. We worship Divine with & w/o form. https://twitter.com/tungabhadra108/status/1340313041515159554?s=20
Many ppl become atheists in response to western ideas of "God" up there somewhere who created the world. They have no idea of what is Hinduism. But they want to mock our deities assuming the same jacksh*t they abhor in other religions.

None of this is part of Hinduism.
Upanishads do NOT promote Atheism. That is utter BS.

Upanishads ask you to EXPLORE what/who is Divine. They ask you to go to the very Source of "I" and your thoughts. Who is asking the question "Who am I?" They are that subtle.

None of this is equivalent to Atheism.
I don't know what modern day "Hindus" think & do. Most people are too ignorant to comment on their views.

In Hinduism, Aakar & Niraakar are NOT in conflict. You worship the former to move to the latter & finally realize YOU are That. https://twitter.com/Bheeshm71873269/status/1340315975393169410?s=20
If anyone looks "down upon" worship of Niraakar as atheists, that can only be called as utter stupidity because the very GOAL of life in Hinduism is to realize that you are consciousness, formless in form.

These type of conflicts belong to mediocre minds.
Advaita is based on Oneness or consciousness being all permeating. That is Divinity, present in every creature, every object, every spec of dust. There's nothing "un-intelligent" about it. No sect of Hinduism is "un-intelligent." They are different paths. https://twitter.com/Bheeshm71873269/status/1340317098640347136?s=20
Hinduism has so many paths because nobody will be able to stick to one path for their whole lives! That is the nature of the human mind!

Worshiping the form is easy to get started. Many ppl might feel lost if they are not able to connect to the formless. https://twitter.com/tungabhadra108/status/1340318414875709441?s=20
Neo-Hindus, aka "Modern Hindus" have a sickly habit of diluting everything in Hinduism to appeal to masses. They try to bend over backwards to vehemently PROVE how great Hinduism is by forcibly including all sorts of crap into it. Hence this confusion.
Pls practice your secular spirituality. Leave Hinduism alone. If you want to include atheism, Dawkinisian atheism, scientological atheism & all modern takes on atheism into your purview, pls practice your non-religious spirituality. Don't bundle it into Hinduism.
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