"To identify (as the statement does) abortion as an evil which is in a horrendous class all its own, a class that excludes the normal rules of moral reasoning, is more a function of the politicization of this evil over the past 2 generations than sound analysis." - @JeffMirus 3/8
"There are a great many grave evils that we can commit, & which of these seems “the worst” is largely a matter of (a) our own emotional response; (b) our conditioning or sensitization; & (c) the range of evils which we ourselves have experienced or had to deal w/" - @JeffMirus 4/8
"[Bishop Schneider's Statement] presumes to settle the fundamental moral question definitively—including a direct contradiction & condemnation of Dignitatis Personae, an instruction of the CDF approved & ordered to be promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI." - @JeffMirus 5/8
"[Bishop Schneider's Statement] is what we call giving scandal. The statement expressly states that the teaching of the Ordinary Magisterium is 'in itself contradictory and cannot be acceptable to Catholics.'" - @JeffMirus 6/8
"Bishops have no teaching authority outside their own dioceses, & it is an abuse of their office to make individual or joint statements pretending to answer critical moral questions for the whole Church." - @JeffMirus 7/8
In conclusion, unless you live in Kazakstan or NE Texas (0.1% of US Catholics), please listen to the @USCCB, the @PontAcadLife, your local bishop, & the vast majority of moral theologians who argue that cooperation as remote as the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is morally OK. 8/8
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