Clear evidence that case count is now falling in Alberta over the last week, but very slowly. Impact of tighter restrictions might start to bite more over the next week. /1
A plateau is NOT GOOD. One way to think about it: On Oct 1, AB had 146 cases. That's a run rate of ~2 deaths per day, or about 150 total since. Instead, 548 people died. With more to come. We suffered all of the economic consequences anyway, just with more illness. /2
@shreyas posted a good thread about the incompetent leader's approach to problems is buying time. Buying time, in our case, killed people and helped nobody. /3
There will be pressure to remove restrictions too soon, before contact tracing can be fixed again, before schools re-open, before case counts drop to a level that can be managed. @CMOH_Alberta and @AHS_media failed. Don't give them a chance to fail again. /4
Cumulative cases are doubling every 40 days right now. Stay home. Avoid infecting family and friends. Don't travel. Think about the lives you're saving.
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