The tactic is stop lying to the left/self that Medicare for All is wildly popular. It is not, same lie the left was told about the ACA when they also only polled just the popular provisions without the unpopular ones. It caused endless horrible self defeating tactic thinking.
Generic polling of Medicare for All (or any generic issue poll) shows the ideas ceiling not its true support. Good news is M4A has a very high ceiling. But that means you need find away to do the unpopular stuff (taxes, change) that dont lower the ceiling too much
The marijuana legalization movement won by sweating every detail after every lose not just saying "the ideas is popular." They added town local option, possession limits, tax direction. Things the movement didn't want but need to make whole package popular.
So now marijuana got a House vote and after single payer suffered a truly humiliating defeat on the ballot in Colorado the moderate Dems are happy to publicly run against it. First step is admitting you need to make your whole package popular not just one part.
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