i just think stalker akira is very hot and i think we should add purge au to that
op may or may not have watched 23 minutes of The Purge today
in case someone’s not aware. the concept of the purge is that for 12 hours, once in a year, always on the same date, all crime is legal (theft, murder, rape , etc). but not against government officials
prime minister’s shido’s son getting kidnapped on one purge. during the investigation followed by his return, the police tells shido there’s nothing they can do, since the law only offers protection to the government officials and not necessarily to their family, and shido only
cared because someone managed to outsmart him, slip into his own house and do something pretty much impossible. but he lets it go, because he doesn’t care too much about his own son or what happened to him.
but omg... goro is.... so fucking out of it. every year he’d spend the purge hours locked up in his room. but this year he fell asleep before it even started. woke up to a dark room, or rather, dark to him, there’s a blindfold on his eyes. and oh god, piece of shit, this is how
he dies, isn’t it? to think someone managed to take him captive. right under his father’s nose. for a moment, he actually accepts his death. feels like it’d be a nice spit in the fact to his father, knowing he was outsmarted.
but then he realizes there’s someone else in the room. here’s someone stepping towards him, then feels someone’s hands on him. realizes he’s naked, the room is cold but he’s sitting on something soft. the other person says nothing, just keeps on touching goro, hands
dropping lower, pressing harder. he realizes he’s in pain a second later, accepts the fact he’s either drugged or was drugged earlier and still under the effect of whatever got into his body. ouhgoughug 0(-(
rape tw // want the prime minister’s son raped. hard definition. used sexually for hours on end. he screams for help but no one comes in aid. omg....... then he’s knocked out again. wakes up later, back in his room, purge over. calls the security
guards to his room, tells them what happened. someone immediately calls the police, but once again, there’s nothing they can do.
rape tw / but the next year, it happens again. same thing. he falls asleep early, wakes up blindfolded. raped by a person who says absolutely nothing to him the entire time. wakes up back in his room.

so it happens again the next year. shido gets re-elected, and it happens AGAIN
by the 4th year, he’s expecting it. he also has some clues. he realizes the room he’s taken into isn’t outside of the prime minister family house. if anything, it’s actually his own room, only dimly lit. which means only someone from the staff could have done it
and since it’s been happening for years, and probably will happen again this year, it means it’s someone who’s been working there for a while. he also has to take the obvious sex of the person into consideration, and manages to get a few suspects
he also realizes how he’s getting drugged. his usual afternoon coffee tasted funny, every single year. so this year, when the kitchen staff serves him his usual coffee, he makes a show out of it. drops what he’s doing and focuses only on the coffee. knows he’s being watched
omg.......... he can actually feel the drugs kicking in this time. but he actually didn’t drink the entire thing, dumps half of it in the toilet. it’s enough to knock him out, but when he wakes up a few hours later, as expected, his mind is much clearer
one thing he can’t understand, though. every single year, he cried for help. at this point, he’s convinced he’s inside his own room. he’s sitting on his own goddamn blanket, just draped over the floor instead of his bedsheets. how did no one come for him when he screamed....
he knows he needs to act fast. he also needs to ACT, not give the person an idea he’s much more aware of his surroundings. so he drips his voice, makes it slurred, and starts with the usual. please, not this again, who are you, what do you want from me
but he’s not a great actor. and the person realizes fast. the hands that were already on him drop from his body, and the person hisses, coughs. is he embarrassed? is getting caught worse than the actual act he’s doing?
since they both know, goro realizes, he might as well be blunt. he asks the person why he never killed him. clearly this is a petty act, trying to get back at either him or shido. what is the person trying to achieve by sticking his dick in goro once a year for a few hours?
the person gets up. clears his throat, walks away and leaves. there’s no more footsteps in the room, and goro spends the remaining hours of the purge staring into the dark of his blindfold until he falls asleep and wakes up again in his own bed.
shame. he was actually looking forward to getting used this year. it’s a waste, he’s already in the mood. maybe he should hook up with the cute kitchen boy who always stares at him
i thought i was done but SIKE i’m not lol

goro approaches akira the next day at the kitchens. hello, what’s your name. nice to meet you, kurusu kun, i’m akechi, shido’s son. i heard you make wonderful coffee, and i’d love to try it out some time.
akiras about to pass out. he’s never been so close to goro, out of his own free will. he stutters over his words, makes goro his coffee and as soon as he leaves the kitchens, akira has to excuse himself. runs to the restroom and barely touches himself before he spills on his hand
but goro comes the next day. bolder, this time. oh, i came back to look for you yesterday, kurusu-kun. i must admit i was skeptical but your coffee is splendid. i’d love to have some of it again. touches akira’s arm. and leaves
it happens again the following weeks. akira thinks goro’s onto him and this is his way of getting back, teasing him and touching him and driving akira insane. in reality, while goro has SOME idea, he’s just waiting for akira to crack, shove him against a wall and fuck him already
akira’s too crazy about goro to do something. he needs it to be perfect, needs to worship goro like the prince he is. calculate everything. he can never live up to his own expectations. and so, goro gives up. stops coming to the kitchens. akira’s devastated
but goro moved on, apparently. akira catches him flirting with some man, and akira sees red. can’t even think, runs to the coffee grinder and makes a cup of coffee. adds some of drug he uses on goro every year, and walks up to goro’s room. he’s going to deliver this one himself
i haven’t seen you in a few days, he says to a surprised akechi in his doorway. made you your usual coffee. may i come in?

and goro lets him in. they sit on the bed, and akira’s fidgety. angry. he knows once goro drinks the coffee the drug will start taking affect. and once that
happens, goro will realize he’s the one who “kidnaps” him every year. but goro’s smarter. he brings the coffee to his lips and the second the oddly-familiar yet not usual taste touches his lips. he pulls away from the cup
actually, kurusu kun — he puts the coffee down on his bedside table. finally, akira makes a move, and with that also confirms his constant suspicions — i’m not in the mood for coffee. would you like to indulge me?
it feels like a slap in the face for akira. he already accepted his fate, only for one last night with goro, yet he’s turned down. but then, goro straddles him, grabs his face with two hands while seated on his lap, and kisses him deeply.
OMGHMGFODKDSKRKZ....... something just. snaps inside akira. he grabs goro by the hips and flips them, pushes goro into the bed. goro tries to get up to hold akira, kiss him again, but akira hovers over him. touches his face, moves his hair away from his eyes. calls him beautiful
0(-(............ akira forcing goro’s wrists to stay on the bed. he’s stronger than he looks, and while goro can resist, he doesn’t want to. akira kisses up his neck. bites him under his ear. too choked up to say anything but words of praise
aoughahh....... akira fucking goro hard that night. even when akira’s hands are off goro’s wrists he doesn’t dare to move them. for a moment he wants to, wants akira to use any type of force on him, but he’s too tranced by the weight of akira’s body on him to care about his hands
but it only happens once. and the next day, akira can’t even look at akechi. he feels like he’s wronged his prince. used him, treated him not like he’s supposed to. so angry at himself he refused to talk to or server akechi. until next year’s purge ,,,,
by that point, goro knows it’s akira, and akira knows goro knows it’s him. it’s a lot of knowing, but akira decides to test his luck. all these months goro tried to get a reaction out of him, he was desperate to get something back. and akira refused
but the day of the next purge, as usual, goro’s assistant gives him his usual coffee. and much to goro’s surprise, it smells funky again.

was he.... wrong? is it not akira after all? he thanks her. she leaves. he spills the drink in the toilet and forces himself to fall asleep
and so it happens again. he wakes up, blindfolded, limbs tied up. he’s on a hard floor but there’s a soft fabric under him. and the second he stirs awake, there’s a hand stroking his face. he’s completely sober, he already recognizes the feeling of that hand. it’s akira after all
and once again. goro knows. but akira’s smarter. he knows goro’s sober. there’s no need to stay hidden anymore. for the first time, his “kidnapper” speaks

“is my coffee not to your liking anymore, akechi-kun?”
and akechi smiles. leans against the hand on his face. shakes his head.

he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to speak at all

“what is it then? why are you making me do this? why do i have to confess to it being me? i thought we had some silent agreement, beautiful.”
there’s some silence. goro realizes he’s supposed to speak. but he doesn’t know how to answer akira’s question. i wanted to test my deduction? i wanted to see if i was right after all?

i wanted to experience this sober for the first time? make sure i don’t forget anything?
instead, he asks the one thing he hasn’t been able to solve: “how come each time i cried for help. and no one came?”

akira pushes his back to the floor. it hits him hard, despite the blanket under him. that’s not what he asked, akechi-kun. why are you ignoring his question?
akechi pushes harder. he licks his lips and smiles, as pretty as he can. “would you take my blindfold off? please, sir?”

akira breathes sharply. his hands come off from goro’s body like he touched fire. he mumbles a curse and goro feels victorious. of course some freak with
a fucked up boner for kidnapping and drugs would enjoy being called sir.

yet goro’s superiority is cut short. akira starts kissing him, and it’s a first. not once in the previous year did the man kiss him. it feels weird, wrong, too gentle and goro hates it
akira breaks off. goro swallows the spit in his mouth. akira shoves a finger inside goro’s mouth and it sits heavy on his tongue.

“would you ever love me, knowing this? knowing what i would do to you? knowing what i’ve done? would you let me have you, truly, ever?”
and despite it all... despite goro seeking him both in and out of the purges. akira doesn’t think he’s worthy. he never will. so he barely touches him that night.

goro lays there for hours, blindfolded, tied up, and achingly hard. akira only chastely kisses him, praises him,
hgng.... doesn’t give goro what he needs. not even barely. and goro cries that purge. as he does every purge, for the past few years. as usual, no one comes. he’s sobbing, in akira’s arms. begging for release. but akira’s not worthy, not like this. can’t give goro what he needs.
goro doesn’t even fall back asleep this year. some of the magic breaks off. akira moves him from the floor to his bed and puts the blanket on top of him. there’s sirens outside signaling the end of the purge, and he realizes it’s been years since he last heard them.
goro’s upset when he wakes up. this didn’t go as planned.

he’s determined to change that.

for a few days, akira doesn’t see goro. he assumes goro finally realized he’s a disgusting creep not worthy of any of his attention, despite how much he craves it
yet goro shows up at the kitchens one evening, holding a bag. it’s the early afternoons. most staff is on break, goro knows by now. akira recognizes the sound of goro’s footsteps, coming to a stop behind him. he turns around to a smiling goro
you see, goro’s been having this problem. he’s restless, not able to get enough sleep. he’s wondering if akira could make him a cup of coffee? like he used to a couple of years ago?

akira’s struck with the night he slept with goro. swallows the lump in his throat. nods to akechi
making the prime minister’s son’s coffee is pure muscle memory by now to akira. he’s been doing it for years. it doesn’t fail goro when the smell of the cup sitting in front of him is sweet and familiar.

but goro frowns. he sighs and shakes his head, tells akira that wouldn’t
do it. walks up to a nearby sink with the cup in hand and spills it inside. he smiles at akira, and instead requests a glass of water.

akira is both furious at goro (how dare he throw away something he made for him with so much love) and at himself (how did he ever think
his measly little coffee would be any good to the house prince. his prince. never good enough, always can do better). he hands him his glass of water

goro thanks him. opens the little bag he came in with. takes out a box of tablets, pops one out and swallows it with the water.
he leaves the bag in the kitchen and walks out without saying anything else.

akira runs to the bag, wants to add it to his collection of Things Goro Akechi Left Behind. then realizes what’s inside the bag. sleeping pills.
he stares at them. in his hand. holy shit.

he pockets them and runs to the staff bedroom to hide the pills.

he checks the clock. it’s been an hour. surely goro must be asleep by now? how strong are these pills exactly?
OUGHOUGHUGH... walks back into the main house and towards goro’s room. he’s about to pickpocket the lock but. the door’s just open. he glances at the bed. goro’s not there

was this a trick? is he trying to catch akira? did he even take a pill to begin with?
akira walks up to goro’s bed. wants to take a knife from the kitchen and cut through the mattress. but he hears a faint snoring to his side

he looks towards the noise, and finds goro sleeping on the floor, on top of his blanket. his own tie on his eye as a makeshift blindfold...
akira falls to the bed. slams a hand on his mouth and looks away. no, there’s no way. is this happening? is he dreaming?

he stares at goro for a few minutes. then realizes the door is open and closes it. leans his forehead against it. covers his mouth with his hand again
what is he supposed to do. surely this isn’t right. it isn’t just. he’s been doing what he does only on the purges for a reason. used it as an excuse to make it alright.

but. this SHOULD be alright, shouldn’t it? he was practically invited here. how long will goro be asleep for?
finally, he gathers the courage and walks to akechi’s sleeping body. takes his shoes off, placed them next to the bed then takes a seat next to the sleeping man next to him.

god. there’s a reason why goro frustrates akira so much. he really is one of the prettiest
people akira has ever seen. he knows how powerful goro is, both due to his father’s position and his own outstanding brain, smarter than any man his age.

maybe except from akira. shit. fuck

akira’s hand slips inside his pants and starts palming himself through his underwear...
akira manages to cum once, just from watching akechi’s sleeping form. his chest rising and falling. his soft snoring. the hair on his face. the softness of his lips. the softness of his lips. the softness of his. fuck. he needs to kiss him. now
so he does. leans in and grabs goro’s jaw, the other hand still in his pants, not touching himself as he’s still simulated from having recently came yet very much interested. closes the gap, kisses goro hard on the lips. breathes out through his nose. god. he missed this so much
UGHOGOGIG..... pulls away and presses hard, pulls goro’s jaw down. just a bit. just to open his mouth. then shoves his other hand, the cum smeared fingers into goro’s mouth.

goro doesn’t react. still sound asleep.

akira stares.
fuck. he wants goro to wake up. wants goro to thrash against him, to scream and beg for akira to stop. wants to feel disgusting like he used to. shove goro into the floor and take what he needs.

and right now. he needs goro to wake up
oh fuck oh shit oh fuck. how the fuck is he gonna make goro wake up. how strong was the drug, fuck, this is why goro shouldn’t have done this himself. akira knows. he knew what to give goro. knew how the drug will affect his body, everything calculated from goro’s weight to
the specific cup he used to pour the coffee and the drug in, all those years.

he starts shaking goro. hard. it still doesn’t work.

so instead, he’s gonna use the time he has until goro wakes up
the tie on goro’s eyes, making use as a blindfold, remains there. but akira’s hands sneak up to goro’s shirt and starts unbuttoning it.

what was once a late afternoon has already dripped into the evening. akira doesn’t have a clock but he knows some time has passed.
hmm.... he unbottons goro’s pants. then starts pulling them down. carefully pulls up goro’s upper body and slides the unbuttoned shirt off him.

stares at the body in front of him. goro in his undershirt, boxers and socks.

his hand slips into goro’s underwear, teating.
the second he touches goro’s soft cock, there’s a reaction. goro tenses under him, and softly gasps.

fuck. man. his hands are cold. he should’ve warmed them up, how did he not fucking do that.

he starts scolding himself but is brought back to reality. goro ruts against his
hand and whimpers. akira stares.

is goro awake.

he asks him. are you awake?

no response. he asks again, louder. answer me, are you awake?

goro nods. akira smiles. fuck. finally
AUEICRKWKZK FUCK........ want akira gripping goro hard through his pants.

shit. are you insane. what if someone caught you? do you realize how much trouble we could both get into?

goro whimpers. he doesn’t care. he needed akira so much. he had to do something. had to act
akira’s brain is screaming at him. he can’t comprehend the fact he made the son of the most powerful man in the country drug himself for the chance of a cock inside him. fuck. jesus

he pushes goro on his back. hovers over him and looks at his face. it feels familiar, once again.
for a minute, akira’s not sure what to do. he was handed this on a silver platter. there’s so much he wants yet he doesn’t know where to start.

so he strips goro naked. quite violently, even. pulls the boxers down, the undershirt up and off. in front of him lays a trembling goro
anticipating. breathing hard.

akira leans and kisses at his chest. then keeps on kissing, goes down. kisses lower. reaches goro’s crotch but. goes around it. grabs goro’s legs and spreads them

starts biting at the inside of his thighs... goro whines above him... gfmgmgiwkdx....
man. god. akira straight up licking goro’s thighs. the area around goro’s erection. but stops near his cock.

goro pleads, above him. says something about akira, about how he thinks above him. fingers himself so often and thinks about his hands. Y BY MGFKISKSKAK.....!!!!
hmmm.... akira barely hears anything. his brain screams at him to take. he wants so much. he can’t feel anything but the need to claim.

barely even fucking. takes his clothes off. he just pulls himself out of his pants and hisses at the cold.

slams a hand over goro’s mouth.
hnggngng.... thrusts in him. no prep. if goro fingers himself as much as he claims to, this should be enough.

goro screams into his hand. he needed this. for so long. needed to be used like this.
akira grunts. starts fucking hard. fast. sloppy pace but he’s so fucking riled up
already. HTMGVORORO needs to stay there forever. dripping inside goro. this is where he belongs. this is where goro belongs. to him. on his back. taking him like he deserves it. because he does

deserves nothing but akira and what he gives him. akira tells him just that
HMGMGMG....... akira cums and goro follows. still fuckin half asleep from the drug. god knows even how akira managed to wake him up
want the two of them marathoning sex, hard on the floor and fast and rough and into the night. akira using goro like he should and goro thanking him
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