1/ A thread.
Catching up on @tntradioempire podcasts & heard a call-in question from @9HalfToedLuke, specifically re: increasing vaccine acceptance among the African-American community.
This is a really important issue to tackle, & not just for the #COVID vaccine.
Plz read on. https://twitter.com/DrsMeena/status/1339935571725172736
3/ #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives was (in my humble opinion) only a drop in the bucket of what we need to do to earn back this trust (an important drop, yes!)
To this point, our African-American colleagues have born the brunt of this-& they are tired.
We all need to step up.
4/ I don't have all the answers.
But I will say that sometimes the first step is visibility of the African-American representation in the science, clinical trials and safety evaluation of these #COVID19 vaccines.
A great place to start is here 👇 https://twitter.com/KizzyPhD/status/1239597699575328768?s=20
5/ Next is understanding & sharing that these independent safety reviews were open to the public and included questions and answers to representatives from a diverse array of communities across the country. https://twitter.com/KizzyPhD/status/1339644139500138498?s=20
6/ Then: conversations.
Patient, open, understanding and safe conversations.
A great thread on how one conversation can make a difference is here.
Acknowledge the hesitancy-it is well earned & well intentioned. https://twitter.com/AndrewMakeTweet/status/1340273515761721345?s=20
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