Editorial thought for the day:

I don't find it a very strong argument when someone says you don't need to pay for editing when you're seeking traditional publishing because you will receive free editing from the publisher.

Let me break this down- (1/)
Firstly, you never HAVE to pay for editing ever. That is a choice you make. And a choice like that is dependent upon how badly you need the help and whether the cost will make the reward worth it to you.

Do querying authors NEED to choose editing. Yes and no. (2/)
The majority of querying writers either have proficient skills to make their work query ready or have worked on a volunteer basis with many peers, betas, etc. to make the book ready. If their self revision process results in a quality book, then NO, they don't need to hire. (3/)
However, it's possible that a writer lacks skill or doesn't have connections or has a bad beta experience and doesn't end up with a quality book before querying. THAT writer should work with an editor if at all possible bc the free trad editor can't help them. Here's why- (4/)
If your book needs editing that badly, you will not get an agent and thus will never get that free trad editor. You can't bank on that future event because you lack the material to make it there in the first place. Thus, you don't have the luxury of "waiting" on revisions. (5/)
To summarize- you can't rely on the future promise of a free traditional editorial experience if you lack a product of high enough quality to make it there. And if you DO have that quality, then you're in the first camp and don't need to worry about editing to begin with. (end)
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