I'm gonna Rant! So buckle up & enjoy the ride!

Let's talk about Muslim characters, written by none Muslim authors.
You know what? Kudos for you, for trying to bring some kind of diversity in the world you're creating. But can you NOT make every muslim character a terrorist?
Like for real, If you're going to write a Muslim character in your book. At least do us justice, Every single MUSLIM! Ain't a terrorist. Stop repeating the same scenario, alot of muslims died and still suffers in the hands of none Muslim terrorists every single damn day!
Scenario 1

"The muslim girl who is suffocating by her hijab, her father is abusive, her mother is a maid & her brother is a control freak. She's dying to explore the world...and for some reason a white boy name jack is the solution of everything."

Ummmm....are you serious?

Sorry to disappoint you, but not all Muslim households are abusive, we are just like other people! We have the good & we have the bad! Alot of us have lovely parents, and we have healthy relationships with our family! And we are seriously not as miserable as you're doing us!

Our hijab is a sample of modesty, beauty and it's a gift from Allah! Our Hijab is how Allah protect us from evil. Stop making us needy, us hijaabis rock every single hijab& scarf& we are badass! We aren't in any type of suffocation, you're just delusional and low key jealous.
Okay, let's talk about Jack. No we don't need Jack, we don't like Jack and in matter fact, who the fuck is Jack?
Seriously we don't need a guy to save us, because we don't need to be saved. But If you're gonna write a hijabi Damsel in distress at least do us justice!

Scenario 2:

"The Muslim girl who falls in love with the bad boy Christian boy in her school, she throws away her hijab. She starts to dress like a slut to impress the guy, but then the train goes south, and her family locks her after beating the shit out of her."


Darling! You need to calm down. Love is still love despite of any religion, and trust me when I say this! We RARELY fall in love with none Muslims.

Like we are too distracted by the drop dead gorgeous Muslim guys, Yusuf, Mustafa, Uthman, Houd, Mohomed, Ahmed, Nour! E.t.c!

Here's a thing, there is alot of Muslim women who don't wear their hijab, and that's there choice. And we all have our rebellions. But SERIOUSLY, no Muslim woman will go that low to impress a dude. Like no, that's too much and he ain't worthy of our pride.
For god sakes! Stop making our families crazy abusive. They're not, they're actually cool and understanding. And NO, they won't lock us up if we fucked it up, they will talk to us, advice us and pray for us. And no, no one beats the shit out of us. Stop the propaganda!

Scenario 3:

"The Muslim girl, who runs away with Jack after school, because her family is SOOOO close minded and they want her to marry her cousin Ahmed by force, and if she refuses they will disown her, or they will burn her alive."


DUDE, Seriously! We are allowed to marry whoever we want as long as the man we are marrying is a MUSLIM. No playing around when it comes to our religion a Muslim woman CAN'T marry a none Muslim man, even if she loves him. He has to become Muslim than they you're good to go!
No one forces anyone, girls are allowed to choose their groom. The groom is gonna come to her family and will ask her father, for her hand in marriage, in a Hala Nikah! According to the Islamic book! And trust me Muslim weddings are the BOOM! We know how to party😏

Scenario 4:

"Jamal is a bright student who won a scholarship, and now he is majored in computer engineering in university X, and by night he works at a coffee shop where he meets Jessica, but her father is against their relationship, and Jamal is a terrorist."


Okay, will first Jamal is not a terrorist! And just because he is brilliant & a muslim that doesn't automatically labels him a terrorist. And seriously, Jessica? You know you can make this relationship work without pushing religion and typical stereotypes on our faces.


Let me explain.

Arabs: Are a multi-racial and multi-ethnic supra-ethnicity.


Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that Muhammad is a messenger of God. It is the world's second-largest religion with 1.8 billion followers.

Also, not all Arabs are Muslims! There are alot of ARABS who are Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, atheist! So please, if you're gonna write something. Do your research first! And please stop disrespecting us and stop creating a false image about islam. It's not cool!

If you're gonna write a Muslim Character, men or Women. Stop revolving around their beliefs, around their hijab, beards, or the way they dress or talk. Give them flaws, give them a purpose, make them sound like humans. Stop talking about terrorism and hijab, and Jacks.

You spend alot of time creating characters and a world for your book, so take the same time while creating the Muslim character in your book, even if he/she aren't the MC, at least give them personality, funny, snarky, smart, beautiful, shy, e.t.c let them serve the plot!

I'm Muslim, & I write none Muslim characters all the time. I do my research, I ask my mates if this is okay or not to add, I talk to my critique partner, does it sound weird? Does it comes across disrespectful? I go deeper so what I'm writing can be authentic!
Do the same!

If you have questions, Ask your Muslim friends if you have any, if not! Go online, google it, Come here and make a thread and ask questions, the Muslim community are large, In Twitter! Tag a friend or two. Engage learn more, we don't bite!
Believe me we are amazing ppl!❤

And please don't let the media scares & deceive you, the media never posts good news about Muslims no matter how good we are. What you see on the news I don't blame you, but please we are not all like that, there is corruption everywhere around the world!
Choose the light.

Be kind, be considerate, but most importantly be fair. If you want to write about Muslim characters, please be careful with how you're representing us.

Have fun with your creativity, but don't put us down or shade us. Be respectful!

I hope this's helpful.


T H E E N D❤
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