The lifeblood of all fiat currencies is confidence. In times of crisis, it doesn't really matter how you bolster confidence if you can retain it you can ward off a sudden weakening. But fundamentals still apply, even in a world awash with central bank efforts... /1 print and then use new injections of currency to bolster confidence on a temporary basis, the fundamentals still matter in relation to confidence in determining the forward difficulty you will have in maintaining that confidence. So the tens of trillions in global../2
...printing this year has bolstered confidence due to the pandemic shocks, but severely weakened fundamentals which elevates the degree of difficulty in maintaining future confidence in the most strategically important currencies in our global synchronized monetary scheme. /3
In fact, with precious metals rising (despite being regularly spoofed) and Bitcoin soaring, confidence is clearly eroding. Another sign of this erosion is the increase in savings rates despite the massive amounts of direct stimulus to consumers to spur spending. /4
What this is leading us to, and could easily happen in 2021, is a sudden spike in consumer spending as a false confidence returns on the other side of the virus & further flight from fiat into alternative currency vehicles continues. Massive money printing... /5
....(no matter the asset class being purchased) and negative interest rates are the only tools central banks have. Further conditioning the masses to expect checks from their governments or central banks will lead to further stimulus efforts that only hasten the... /6
...eventual currency collapses to come. Digital fiat won't matter without debt forgiveness so now, after 12+ years of monetary central bank madness, a real path and danger exists for hyperinflation to emerge over the next two years. And central banks are out of tools. /end
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