Dear Young Man, before you consider getting married there are a few things you must ask yourself as you self introspect. Marriage is not all fun & games, in biblical terms it is an actual ministry & once you devote to it there are expectations & obligations for you.
You must ask yourself why you want to get married. It shouldn't be because people are pushing you, you must be convinced that you first understand what marriage entails & be brutally honest with yourself that you are truly ready for all this.
As the head of your family you will answer to God for either misleading or mistreating those you have been entrusted to lead, that includes your wife and children. You can't outsource your duties to anyone, it is all on you, be sure you are ready to also listen to your wife.
I love describing marriage as a process which brings you face to face with the parts of you which you tried to ignore & need direct confrontation and fixing by you. Your ego will be bruised, you will be tested, if you aren't ready to admit your weakness you aren't ready to marry.
Forgiveness is an integral part of marriage, God commanded that we forgive 77 times 7 times in a day, marriage survives through "unconditional" love, this is a love you can only draw from God. It's a love that isn't always easy but bears so much fruit. Be ready to always forgive.
Be ready to lose, by this I mean losing parts of yourself which have no place in the institution of marriage, losing people who are counterproductive to the growth and health of your marriage, unless you are ready to lose these then be ready to lose your marriage first.
Compromises and sacrifices, without these you will always be at loggerheads with your wife. Sometimes you will have to sacrifice that soccer match you wanted to watch so you can help her in the kitchen, so you can watch a sweet movie with her. Selflessness over selfishness wins.
Boundaries, without clearly demarcated boundaries you will sabotage your own union & start blaming a non-existent devil/demon/witch. How you interact with especially people of the opposite sex is crucial, exes, friends & family's influence in your marriage. Be firm here.
Marriage will make you cry, laugh, celebrate, but no matter what you may feel, remember that loving her is a decision which you made before God & witnesses, where there are prophecies, they will cease, but love will stand the test of time. All the best. #Marriage #YoungMen
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