"But these billions are not for defence. Britain has no enemies other than those within who betray the trust of its ordinary people, its nurses and doctors, its carers, elderly, homeless and youth, as successive neo-liberal governments have done, Conservative and Labour."

Furthermore, "Two weeks ago, Israel’s military chief of staff and Britain’s Chief of the Defence Staff signed an agreement to “formalise and enhance” military co-operation."

"More British arms and logistical support will now flow to [Israel] the lawless regime in Tel Aviv, whose snipers target children and psychopaths interrogate children in extreme isolation."

Meanwhile: "The defamation of all things Russian, not least the historical truth that the Red Army largely won the Second World War, is percolated into public consciousness. The Russians are of 'no interest', except as demons."

And China "is the brunt of unrelenting provocation, with American strategic bombers and drones constantly probing its territorial space."

Britain is involved in this provocation too. "HMS Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s £3billion aircraft carrier, soon to sail 6,500 miles to enforce “freedom of navigation” within sight of the Chinese mainland."

"Some 400 American bases encircle China, 'rather like a noose', a former Pentagon planner [told Pilger]. They extend all the way from Australia, though the Pacific to southern and northern Asia and across Eurasia."

It's time we said no to the propagandising war machine that calls the shots with our politcal class and dominates the narrative promulgated by the corporate press and broadcast media.

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