I’m free today and have nothing to do, so i’d like to educate you americans on north africa and it’s indigenous people because i’m sick and tired of the erasure, a thread:

so okay! i see a lot of americans calling North Africans colonizers because they have white/pale skin..
Which is very dumb and ignorant. A lot of people equate Africa to being black which is also very stupid.
Africa is a continent and region, not a race/ethnicity. and YES there is indigenous African people who are NOT black and NOT europeans. but who are these people?
They’re the Amazighs (means free noble people), its an ethnic group spread all around North Africa (and even some parts of west africa). They are INDIGENOUS to the region, Most of them are from the Maghreb region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania).
and this region have been inhabited by Amazighs from at LEAST 10,000 BC.. In fact, Morocco is home to the oldest Homo Sapiens ever found, nearly 300,000 years old! this means that the indigenous people of Morocco/NA in general have been here for a extremely long time.
They come in different skin shades. the more north you go and get more far than the equator, the lighter skin tones would be (especially mountain regions where it’s always snowing). if you go to southern regions (closer to the desert) you’ll find them with more dark skin tones.
They make the majority of the population in this region! you will DEFINITELY meet people who will refuse to identify as Amazigh and they’ll just say they’re arab, But this due to the arabization, colonial mindset, but also religion.. most of these people are muslim-
so they feel like if they identify as arab (what their prophet was), that would make them special and respected in the eyes of Arabs.. in most statics the percentage would be very low.. BUT if you did a dna test on ANY north african, the arab percentage wouldn’t be more than 10%.
I don’t wanna get into too much details, but saying there is no non-black africans is very harmful because you’re erasing a thousands year long history of millions of people all around the world. you also sound very fucking stupid.
if you’d like to learn more, just google “Amazighs..” or if you’relazy just watch this lol
id also like to add that Amazighs were victim of colonization and imperialism, just like any country from the global south. they tried to erase their history so badly but luckily these people have preserved their own culture and language, which are spoken widely across NA.
by country i meant the countries they’re in. my bad.
Also! i chose the wrong map, my bad!! i just took the first one that popped on google. should’ve payed attention more and chose another correct one that includes mauritania and some other countries (that are all mentioned above & also talked about the variety of skin tone).
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