Britain does actually have the potential to be a Japan tier creative exporter, our parochiality is a conscious choice by the generation who run the creative industries
The History Boys, 10 identical Davies much money is expended on nostlagiaporn for homosexuals, no biggie until you consider what it could've been spent on.
An example is Alan Moore. Imagine how much money the "Alan Moore cinematic universe" would rake in from U.S.A if the Beeb just gave the grumpy old man himself endless money to make what he wanted and had done so in 1998
Why was V for Vendetta made by a U.S company and Watchmen by Netflix?
Alan Moore shows its not ideological in a simple booh hooray way – hes a Boomer Leftist with predictable views – it’s the result of in the people who run the BBC having outdated cultural tastes
He’s just not a part of the world of Christopher Hill and bog standard comps and Britpop and the X-Factor and Kitchen sink drama and Polari and so is dismissed as ‘niche.
But Moore is not obscure. He’s wildly mainstream. In a genuine 'creative' country he’d be recognized as unironically the most influential British writer of the past 30 years (which he is, name anyone else who has that audience in America)
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