🚨HOPE for Australian Immigration Detainees after men FREED under centuries-old legal principle

⚖️“The courts are starting to say, 'u can’t take someone who HASNT DONE ANYTHING WRONG & then LOCK THEM UP & then do nothing with them.”

Farhad Bandesh is now a FREE MAN, but

up until last week the 39yo was detained with about 60 others at the Mantra Hotel in Melbourne.

Mr Bandesh was among 5 Asylum Seekers RELEASED last week with the assistance of migration agent Noeline Harendran & lawyer Daniel Taylor.

Farhad Bandesh was given a Temporary Bridging Visa.

The visas were granted following a MAJOR Federal Court ruling in September that used the centuries-old legal principle of habeas corpus, which Ms Harendran said impacted the applications they were preparing.

In Sept,

the case of AJL20 🆚 The Commonwealth was decided in the Federal Court. It concerned Ahmed Mahmoud, a 26yo from Syria who came to Australia as a child & had been detained for 6 years.

For the FIRST time in modern Legal History, the court accepted habeas corpus - which is

used to rule on whether the detention of a person by the state IS UNLAWFUL - & used it to scrutinise the Government’s decisions.

The judge found Mr Mahmoud WAS UNLAWFULLY DETAINED because the Department of Home Affairs had FAILED to make arrangements for his deportation

to Syria, which was the primary purpose of his period of detention.

Mr Mahmoud is NOW FREE & has been reunited with his partner.

Mr Mahmoud’s lawyer Alison Battisson said the LACK of PROGRESS for those in Immigration Detention is a SYMPTOM of the system & it essentially

“warehouses” detainees.

“I've DISCOVERED people through Freedom of Information that NOTHING has happened on their case for 6 years,” Ms Battisson stated.

Mr Mahmoud’s case was SIGNIFICANT because it showed the courts could HOLD the Department of Home Affairs TO ACCOUNT

when it did NOT fulfil its obligations, she said.

“As of today u HAVE TO Pursue a Purpose. & if you’re not [pursuing a purpose] u HAVE TO Release.”

The Commonwealth Government is now APPEALING the DECISION at the REQUEST of the Attorney-General & it

will be heard in the High Court in March.
7 Detainees have so far been released after 2 more men were released from detention on Thursday.
All had habeas corpus applications underway.

“Its a great relief for the people who've been released but there

is still a LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN DETENTION, who ultimately NEED FREEDOM,” lawyer Mr Taylor said.

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