Having watched all episodes of Star Trek: Discovery I conclude that I cannot enjoy it, and most definitely not think of it as Star Trek.

I gave it so many chances but the script is just not good. :(
I think it is a lot of factors:

* Introducing too many characters too quickly—leading to the viewer not caring about any of their fates

* Too much Captain-switching—leading to incoherent leadership

* Multi-verse and time-travel—leads to incoherent/pointless storyline & events
* Spore-drive makes travel distances meaningless and removes the sense of vastness if space—the story could play out in any setting/scale.

* The character story-arcs are flat and since you don’t really care for the characters they really become a waste of time
* To me, what I enjoy about the Star Trek franchise was that it explored the nature of humanity and its paradoxes and conflicts, in a far-away place which made it easier to digest since it wasn’t too close for comfort. Discovery has nothing of that.
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