Any claim by Labour’s leaders and acting General Secretary, that draconian actions suppressing debates on issues ordinary Labour members rightly regard as contentious, are being done to ensure safe spaces for Jewish members, was blown apart by a revelation this week. 1/5
That revelation is that 35 Jewish LP members have been investigated this year, presumably on "anonymous" complaints, with nearly 1/3 of them disciplined – mainly through suspension. Twelve of those 35 have now made a joint statement about this intolerable action. 2/5
Their statement will be welcomed by many other Jewish members who resent the assumption that Jews in the LP are snowflakes incapable of hearing, or indeed sharing, views that are rightly critical of the Israeli government for its racist, oppressive treatment of Palestinians. 3/5
They also resent any assumption, especially by non-Jewish LP members, that Jewish identity is synonymous with pro-Zionism. For some it might be, for others it is certainly not. And that is true of Jewish people in Britain and around the world. 4/5
I want to feel safe at LP meetings, but not by suppressing rights of others, including other minorities. 1 of my socialist heroes, Emanuel Scherer, said: "Rights + Justice for Jews everywhere without wrongs and injustice to other people anywhere." He was an anti-Zionist Jew. 5/5
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