A. Thread on friendship , twitter experiences โœจ
1. Why you joined twitter ?
2. Who was your first friend on twitter ?
3 . What is the thing you like about twitter ?
4 . What is the thing you hate about twitter ?
5 . Tag your Twitter bestie
6 . What's the purpose you are still here ?
7. Have you ever talked to someone on call from here?
8 . Did your parents know that you have a Twitter account ?
9 . have you ever felt like leaving this app forever ?
10. Tag your cutest mutual !
11 . Tag the mutual who is funny?
12. The mutual who know every secret of your life ?
13 . Mutual who brighten up your day ?
14 . Mutual whom you wanna meet in irl !
15 . If you have to pick 5 mutuals for a picnic tag them !
16. Why you have trust issues?
17 . Why you keep on ghosting from here ?
18. Would you date someone from here ?
19 do you have a crush on someone ?
20 . Have your parents caught you in night while using twitter?
21. What are the things you want in your partner ?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight ?
23. Twitter friends or irl friends
24 . Ever tried to propose someone?
25. Wanna date someone?
26 . Do you hate anyone from here ?
27. Do you like me ๐Ÿ˜Œ
28. Do you miss your Twitter Friends who deactivated their accounts?
29. Ever felt heartbroken ?
30. What are the goals of your life ?
32. Rate this thread out of 10
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