Listen... I love The Bee Gees and I know it’s currently “cool” to say The Beatles are overrated, but let’s not drive off the cliff here.
Like, yeah, The Bee Gees have been unfairly maligned for a LONG time and there's bound to be overcorrection because they're lovely, but holy shit, there's just no comparison to what The Beatles did. I can't even be charitable on this one.
The Beatles could be credited with transforming the direction of popular music not just once but TWICE and in less than six years. That's mind-boggling.
Like, just consider this alone. In less 4.5 years, they released:

Rubber Soul
Sgt. Pepper's
The White Album
Yellow Submarine
Abbey Road
Let It Be

If they had stopped at Rubber Soul or Revolver, they still would have been among the most influential artists of that era.
When people say The Beatles are overrated, what I really hear is: "too many people like them, so I don't like them because I'm edgy".
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